DAFTAR KEMASAN MINYAK GORENG: 1. Avena minyak goreng 1 Liter - pouch -Rp 12.000 2. Avena minyak goreng 2 liter - pouch - Rp 23.500 3. Avena minyak goreng 5 liter ( kemasan jerigen) - Rp 63.000 4....
CV.SINAR TERANG SEMBAKO, Supplier & Distributor, Contactor Trading Company yang beralamat di Jln, Tembaan No, 84-85 Surabaya 60174 Jawa Timur Indonesia merupakan Perusahaan lokal, Perdagangan Umum....
we sell cheaper cooking oil : KAYU MAS brands content 5 lt MOQ 300 cartons CASH BEFORE DELIVERY
jaya sakti trading company established in 2007.we are a supplier for products daily subsistence foods, beverages, infant milk, LAVENIA cooking oil, Tropimas Cooking Oil, EVEREADY and ENERGIZER....
Most of the fatty acids of coconut oil is a saturated fatty acid. Besides easily metabolized: 50% of the carbon chain of coconut oil is lauric acid ( C 12) and 7% are capric acid ( 10 C) , both are....
dear sir konjack powder Our flour is MANUFACTURER porang useful as a raw material in the manufacture of flour konyaku, . commonly used in the manufacture of raw materials in Japanese noodles, ....
treading companny sellers and purchasers of agricultural products and rempah2 segalah polowijo.
Jual minyak goreng grade 1 tanpa merk dengan kemasan 5 Liter. Tidak melayani pembelian kurang dr 100 jurigen
New company run by my self young-aged and have a lot of experience in maketing.