KITAGAWA GAS DETECTOR TUBE SYSTEM is developed back in 1946. It was established as a new gas detection method enabling anyone to quickly and with a high degree of accuracy detect and measure....
KITAGAWA Tube 121SH for PH3. - Measuring ranges - 200-3.200 ppm - No of pump strokes - 1/ 2 - Chance colour - white-orange - Self life - 3 year - Interferences - NO2, H2S, SO2 - Typical....
KITAGAWA Tube 121U for PH3. - Measuring ranges - 0.05-1.0ppm - No of pump strokes - 2 - Chance colour - yellow-pink - Self life - 2 year - Interferences - HCN, H2S, SO2, Hydrogen selenide, ....
KITAGAWA Tube 121SC for PH3. - Measuring ranges 40-1.400 ppm - No of pump strokes 1/ 2 - Chance colour, white-yellow - Self life - 3 year - Interferences - Arsine( 30) , Hydrogen selenide( 50) ....