Machine a mixer adobe price we flexible -- kompetitief -- affordable function: to intermix basic adobe of sand , krikil , cement and some water using transmission the gear box of of the car make....
Machine cut ring glass dimension specification: 45 x 65 x 80 materian order: the elbow 40 material a knife: steel peer bearing: fbj 215 the capacity: follow operator operational system: emphasis....
Shredder plastic kmb 2 machine enumerators plastic to function destroy plastic into pieces smaller and the maximal result.Dimensions: 105x 75 x 140cm a knife: 8 fruit a knife the way @ 25cm 2 pieces....
Shredder plastic kmb 1 by using shredder plastic , in a relatively quickly plastic will by itself destroyed into pieces smaller than before .Dimensions: 100 x 80 x 150cm a knife: 6 a knife the way @ ....