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    Syifa Minyak Habbatussauda

    Rp 109.900
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    Specification :

    Syifa, Caraway seed extract comes from the Black / Habbatus Sauda / Nigella Sativa with a variety of properties that have been known since ancient times

    Items in the pack in 100ml plastic bottle packaging, products registered in the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia No. 403.10.16.2001

    About Jintan Hitam

    For centuries, black cumin is used millions of people in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to maintain health. Oil and herbanya believed to treat diseases associated with the respiratory system, digestive tract, gastric and liver disorders as well as to boost the immune system.

    Cumin believed originated from the Mediterranean ( Mediterranean around) , before spreading to various parts of the world, including Asia. Small filamentous shape, size not more than 3 mm. Cumin included in the buttercup family ( Ranunculaceae) . There are two types of this plant, which is a bluish purple and white. The people in the Arab lands Nigella sativa have been known for more than 2000 years ago. They use these plants to cope with various health problems such as toothache, flu, sore joints.

    In Arabic, cumin is known as Habbatus sauda ( seed pleasant) or Habbatul baraka, which means seed that brings blessing. For the Muslims, cumin is the grace of God. Recommendation Prophet Muhammad to take advantage of cumin recorded in a hadith, " Stay with Habbatus sauda treatment because he was really able to cure all diseases except death."
    Not surprisingly, named the plant Nigella sativa L Latin is included in the list of natural medicines in the book al-Tibb al-Nabawi or the Prophet' s Medicine Ways.

    History Habbatus Sauda / Nigella Sativa

    6000 BC: Use as a seasoning Habbatus Sauda & traditional medicine can be traced since the days of Ancient Egypt.
    460 BC: Hippocrates recommended the use of Habbatus Sauda to generate Vitality & Energy, Leisure, And overcome Fatigue Body & Psychic
    ( Dr. Hermann Ehmann, Schwarzkummel publications LebensBaum Verlag, 2000)
    1 M: In the Old covenant Habbatus Sauda found in the Book of Isaiah as ' Ketsah'
    625 M: Treatment of Early Islamic Prophet " Use Habbatus Sauda ( Jintan Hitam / Nigella Sativa) because there are drugs in it from all diseases except death" . ( Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim) ( At-Tibb An Nawawiy, Book of Medicine of the Prophet)
    970 M: Treatment of Post-Prophet of Islam: Al-Biruni states that Habbatus Sauda ( Jintan Hitam / Nigella Sativa) as the grain is very appropriate for the source of nutrients
    980 M: Ibn Sina published a book entitled " The Cannon Of Medicine" explains that Habbatus Sauda as a stimulant energy agencies and helps restore the freshness of the body, " stimulating the body' s energy and helps recovery from fatigue or lack of spirit"
    1959-1990: from the research and the rediscovery of a modern Habbatus Sauda " th. Habbatus 1990s demand Sauda / Nigella Sativa as a food supplement in some Western countries is increasing ( Schwarzkummel, Dr. Hermann Ehmann)
    Usefulness & Functionality

    Usefulness Black Caraway Oil / Habbatus Sauda

    Maintaining Stamina, Strengthening the power of concentration
    Anti-Bacterial, parasitic infections Fight outside / in the body
    Reinforce the immune system; Pressing RasioSel-T as an indicator of disease
    Take Care Health Skin, Hair and Nails
    Stimulates hair growth and prevent hair loss
    Healing Skin Wounds: fab-inflammatory acne, eczema, wounds
    Normalize blood pressure: Lowering blood sugar levels ( hypoglycemic) on Disabetes Mellitus ( 1990 results)
    Healing Inflammation in joints ( rheumatic / stiff)
    overcome the problems of impotence, Sex Hormone Balancing
    Treat stomach and liver disorders: Improve digestion and disposal capabilities, overcoming diarrhea, stomach Heartburn, stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders.
    Improving milk quality and production in lactating mothers
    Normalize Blood Cholesterol in
    Anti-causing substances Tumor / Cancer
    Overcome the problem of lung
    Slow the cell aging process
    As a Source of High Fiber

    Nutritional content
    Nutrition content in Habbatus Sauda
    Crystalline Arginine Nigellone
    EFA: Essential Fatty Acid Omega-3 Linolenic
    15 Amino Acids Omega-6 Linolenic
    Carbohydrate Protein
    Volatile oils alkaloids
    Crude saponin Fiber
    Calcium Minerals
    Sodium Iron
    Sodium Magnesiom
    Potassium Selenium
    Carotene Niacin
    Vitamin A Vitamin B1
    Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6
    Vitamin C, Vitamin E

    Fatty acid content in Habbatus Sauda
    Linol Acid Acid Oil 50-60% 18-25%
    Palmitin acid stearin acid 12-13% 2-4%
    Mytrisin acid from 0.1 to 0.4% Acid 0.1 to 0.4% Arachin
    Gamma-Linolen Acid Acid Palmitolein 0, 1, 0, 4% from 0.1 to 0.4%
    Eicosen acid from 0.1 to 0.4%

    Dosage Use

    Supplement doses maintain health:
    1-2 capsules three times before eating Dose Healing Illness:
    2-3 capsules three times daily

    for reservations, please contact the ' Pernik Muslims' + 62 ( 031) 5963404
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    Direct link to the product: http: / / pernikmuslim.com/ syifa-minyak-habbatussauda-p-1431.html

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