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    Silsilah Daurah Ramadhan 1429 H ( MP3 Format)

    Silsilah Daurah Ramadhan 1429 H ( MP3 Format)

    Rp 24.900
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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order

    Specification :

    Is the set tausyiyah various themes, among others Istighfar, Maram Bulughul Book review, commentary paragraph Chair, and Al-Hadith Irbath bin Sariyah, and the Scripture was Da' watuna Sunnah.

    Each theme presented by the different religious teacher.
    Maram by ustadz Bulughul Bamu' alim Mubarak, Lc.
    Commentary Section Chair by ustadz Salim Ghanim, Lc.
    Book was Da' watuna al-Sunnah by ' Abd al-Hadi ustadz, Lc.
    Istighfar by ustadz Imam Wahyudi, Lc.
    Al-Hadith Irbath Abdurrahman ibn Sariyah by ustadz Thayyib, Lc.

    By hearing these tausyiyah series, hopefully we will get spiritual enlightenment. Religious knowledge also increases. It is expected that knowledge we can amalkan in everyday life. Thus the quality of our faith will increase from time to time.

    for reservations, please contact the ' Pernik Muslim' + 62 ( 031) 5963404
    or SMS + 628563364677,
    or email support [ at] pernikmuslim.com.
    Or visit our website at http: / / www.pernikmuslim.com

    Direct link to the product: http: / / pernikmuslim.com/ silsilah-daurah-ramadhan-1429-h-mp3-format-p-1274.ht ml

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