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Kompos Organik l Pupuk Cair l Mesin Pengolahan Sampah l Pupuk Formula - www.kencanaonline.com
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Mr. Rusman Ahmad [Marketing]


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Jl. Jakarta 27, Perak Timur
Surabaya Jawa Timur 60232, Jawa Timur

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UD Tani, Jl. Kemiri No 26 Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, T. 0451-460190, HP. 081330767046
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Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops][Oct. 19, 2010 23:19:20]
PriceRp 450.000,- Per Karton Isi 60 Pack ( Loco Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Quantity@ 250 gr per Pack x 60 Pack Per Karton
Pack. & DeliveryKarton PVC + DUPLEX ( 95 mm x30 mm x127 mm)
Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi ( Fertilizer for Root Crops) as fertilizer formula for tuber and root crops like : onion, edible tuber, potato, casiavera, sweet potato, cassava, flower gardening, carrots, etc. Its contain complete ingredient such as macronutrient NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Kalium/ Potassium) , secondary nutrient MgSCa ( Magnecium, Sulfur, Calcium/ Potash) and micro essential element ( Zn, B, Bo, Cl, Mn, Fe) . The formulation has registered at Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia Number : T902/ BSP/ II/ 2003.
---------------------------------------------------------- ----
Complete nutrient, which as tablet appereance or form on 3 grames contains ( N, P, K, Mg, S, Ca+ micro) nutrient on 17-8-17-3-7-3+ microelement formulating composition . Tuber and Root crops need Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi as same as 35 % than single fertilizer totally amount usually farmer using such as Urea, Phosphates and KCL/ Potassium.

For example, fertilizing applications for potato crops at one ha need 170 kg/ ha/ season only. Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi efficiency increasing and we hope could to grow up farmer income.
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