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Mr. Rusman Ahmad [Marketing]


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Jl. Jakarta 27, Perak Timur
Surabaya Jawa Timur 60232, Jawa Timur

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UD Tani, Jl. Kemiri No 26 Palu, Sulawesi Tengah, T. 0451-460190, HP. 081330767046
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Bakteri Green Phoskko® Compost Activator[Oct. 13, 2009 18:33:40]
PriceRp 550.000,- Per Pack 250 gramx 20
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Quantity20 Pack @250 gr Per Karton 20 Pack
Pack. & DeliveryPVC + DUPLEX 150gr PLT ( 95 x 30x 127) mm
Green Phoskko® compost Activator ( @ 250gr/ Pack ) is pre-eminent microbe consortium ( bacterium of aktinomycetes, yeast, and mushroom) organic decomposing materials (town waste, agriculture, ranch and others). Useful to quicken the decomposition process, deodorizing to decay and depress growth of microbe of pathogen.
1. One Kg of Green Phoskko® Activator can be used for scrapheap about 3 m3,
2. Dissolving or mixing 250 gr of Green Phoskko® Activator in 40 - 100 water litre, then swirled till flatten (if/when available enhance 1 bran kg and 100 - 200 sand sugar gr, 100 gram urea and swirled till flatten).
3. Hushing about 2 - 4 hour, swirl about 2 - 3 times.
4. Sprinkle the the condensation at scrapheap flattened. If dampness of garbage still less, the Scrapheap Splat with water till reach dampness about 60 - 65 %.
5. Maintaining compost process by aerob, by arranging oxygen supply or draught [pass/through] bamboo or pipe ( diameter about 7,5 cm - 10 cm and given by hole with diameter 1 cm in the form of spiral), jabed into heap with distance about 25 - 50 cm.
6. Scrapheap cover with plastic or ratch to lessen evaporation and maintain temperature 60 - 65°C during 2 - 3 day. Hereinafter invert (once in 5 - 7 day) and arrange dampness of scrapheap by enhancing water till dampness about 60 - 65% (if needed second inverting use Green Phoskko® Activator return).

7. Decompsition process donein about 2 - 5 week.
To determinant of project and policy related to hygiene of town, expected can consider usage of this activator by applying it in town garbage centers (market, housing, ranch sentra and is other). Without having to have sale motif from result of its process (non-komersial), if garbage have decomposed hence aroma will lose, various circle will collect it to be used as land crubmled or amilioran (also can be repack to sold and also housewife for decorative crop and flower in lawn).
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