Tolis is a supplier of sizes 100ml Plastic Bottle, 125 ml, 250ml, 265ml, 330ml, 400ml, 500ml, 600ml, 625ml, 1000ml, 1500ml, Sambel Bottle, Jar, Bottle Ketchup, BotolLimun / Syrup, bottle fertilizer / ....
CV . Berkah Wijaya Lestari engaged in agribusiness , start from lumbricus rubellus worm cultivation, ex-worm media fertilizer , vermicompost fertilizer , liquid casting until vegetables and organic....
Aman Asri, PT is marketing company from PT. Johny Jaya Makmur ( PMDN) , pesticide producers very concern in disease vector insect control effort or often called pesticide higiene ( environment) like....
we sell agrobussiness product and presentation equipment
Blog Indonesian organic farming, cultivation Method of making liquid and solid organic fertilizer ( Bokashi) guidelines Organic farming systems.
- PT. SATONA - DISTRIBUTOR PT. Petrokimia Gresik .... Gypsum - Granulated Gypsum ( Cement Retarder) - Pupuk Organik " PETROGANIK " - Pupuk Urea, ZA, KCL - SUPPLIER - TRANSPORTIR....
Company vision Realizing a Healthy Families Indonesia, PROSPEROUS & DYNAMIC Company Mission Promoting Healthy lifestyles Diamond Interest International through SELF BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP
We sell : Calcium Carbonate ( CaCo3) , Casting Aplus, Cornice Aplus, Roving Globe, Aluminium Sulphate, HCl, Caustic Soda Flake, Calcium Chloride, Paraffin Wax ( RRT, Iran ) , Kaporit, Phosporic Acid, ....
VISION * Being a fertilizer manufacturer that has high credibility and has no place in the hearts of consumers MISSION * Help create self-sufficiency by supporting the provision of national....
Kami Distributor pupuk NPK, UREA, ZA, TSP, KCL NON SUBSIDI LANGSUNG DARI GUDANG GRESIK pupuk yang kami tawarkan antara lain : NON SUBSIDI PUPUK UREA: - Urea Sriwijaya ( Pusri ) - Urea PKT ....
Biofertilizer Tolypothrix, cyanobacteria often used as fertilizer Blue-green algae cultured in specific media. Blue-green algae can be helpful in agriculture as they have the -green algae is....
CV. JAYA AGRO SEMANGGI is a national private company ( the manufacturer) that produce fertilizers for agriculture and plantations private or public. Our experience in 3 years of producing organic....
Delta Agro manufactures Liquid Organic Fertilizer deGROW + + has been tested both in the laboratory and on the farm with OVERFLOW RESULTS ( significant yield increases) , but the selling price is....
General Trading Company Gatherer B3 Liquid and Solid Waste Buying a Used Oil. Receiving used items such as scrap metal, AC, Laptop etc. Sell Manure ( cow dung)