Search pt in Trade List - Indonesia - Show All Valid - RSS - Indonesia - Jawa Timur - Surabaya | Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenFri, 14 Mar 2025 15:54:15 +0700Indotrade.coSell: SERRATED STEEL GRATING MANUFACTURE, DI SURABAYA [GRESIK, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="SERRATED STEEL GRATING MANUFACTURE, DI SURABAYA" id=""></a>WE ARE STEEL GRATING MANUFACTURE IN SURABAYA
TELP. 031 60234888
FAX. 031 3980197
14 / 02 / ..../steelgrating/2280174/serrated-steel-grating-manufacture-di-surabaya.htm" STEEL GRATING SURABAYA" TELP. 031 60234888 FAX. 031 398019720101202040016Products Catalog: LIQUID CONTROL ( LC) , DI SURABAYA [GRESIK, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="LIQUID CONTROL ( LC) , DI SURABAYA" id=""></a>AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA PHONE. 031 60234888, FAX. .... 6000psi
Temperatures from -430� � F to 450� � F ( o<B>pt</B>ional to 1000� � F)
Viscosities to 300 cSt
Coriolis Mass Meters:
Flows from 0.004 to 55..../industrijaya/2600879/liquid-control-lc-di-surabaya.htm" AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA " telp.031 60234888 fax. 031 398019720110510053503Sell: Mesin Hammer Crusher / Hammer Mill [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Mesin Hammer Crusher / Hammer Mill" id=""></a>We are CV. PMJ Nusantara, a company in the field of Construction Machinery & Fabricator, doing machine Hammer Crusher / Hammer Mill is used for the production of stone powder, powdered stone, sand..../PutraManunggalJaya/1625465/mesin-hammer-crusher-hammer-mill.htmPMJN Engineering ( CV)20091111101727Sell: TOZEN: RUBBER FLEXIBLE AND EXPANSION JOINT, DI SURABAYA [SURABAYA, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="TOZEN: RUBBER FLEXIBLE AND EXPANSION JOINT, DI SURABAYA" id=""></a>Thank You For Visit AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA,
.... weariness by water head pressure always received and recei<B>pt</B> of direct water hammer occurs when the pump starts and stops.
flexible1.gif ( 6934..../tinplatesurabaya/2628211/tozen-rubber-flexible-and-expansion-joint-di-surabaya.htm" TIMAH SURABAYA MANUFACTURE" TELP. 031 60234888, FAX. 031 398019720110523042932Products Catalog: LIQUID CONTROL ( LC) , DI SURABAYA [GRESIK, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="LIQUID CONTROL ( LC) , DI SURABAYA" id=""></a>AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA PHONE. 031 60234888, FAX. .... Temperatures from -430� � � � � � F to 450� � � � � � F ( o<B>pt</B>ional to 1000� � � � � � F)
Viscosities to 300 cSt
Coriolis Mass Meters:
Flows from 0..../agroindustrisurabaya/2704306/liquid-control-lc-di-surabaya.htm" AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA" Telp. 031 60234888 , Fax. 031 398019720110626011858Sell: LIQUID CONTROL ( LC) , DI SURABAYA [GRESIK, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="LIQUID CONTROL ( LC) , DI SURABAYA" id=""></a>AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA PHONE. 031 60234888, FAX. .... 6000psi
Temperatures from -430� � F to 450� � F ( o<B>pt</B>ional to 1000� � F)
Viscosities to 300 cSt
Coriolis Mass Meters:
Flows from 0.004 to 55..../BAJAINDUSTRI/2600663/liquid-control-lc-di-surabaya.htm" BAJA INDUSTRI SURABAYA " telp. 031 60234888, fax. 031 3980197, HP. 08123077781720110510041524Sell: PNEUMATIC RUBBER FENDER - CHAIN-TYRE NET TYPE ( TIPE JARING RANTAI-BAN) - size - 2, 5 x 4, 0 ( m) ( .... [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]Yokohama Rubber Fender or Pneumatic Rubber Fender .... several dimensions with varying strengths and ada<B>pt</B>ed to field conditions
We provide Yokohama Rubber Fender or Pneumatic Rubber Fender with..../anugerahatlantik/5751340/pneumatic-rubber-fender-chain-tyre-net-type-tipe-jaring.htmPT. Anugerah Atlantik20150530195338Sell: PANGGUNG APUNG - MODULAR FLOAT SYSTEM - FLOATING DOCK - KUBUS APUNG HDPE - KUBUS APUNG PLASTIK -.... [Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]Modular Float System or commonly called cube floating or floating pontoon is an innovative high-tech products in the form of a floating cube that is helpful in the construction of floating objects..../kubusapunghdpeindo/5690879/panggung-apung-modular-float-system-floating-dock-kubus.htmKUBUS APUNG HDPE INDONESIA20150425121350Products Catalog: Titanium Welding [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]We are from <B>PT</B> Taloe Metal Teknika, we are supply materials about Titanium Welding with grade ERTi-1, ERTi-2, ERTi-5, ERTi-12. For more information about the materials please contact to our number.
..../surabaya-stainless/6003100/titanium-welding.htmPT TALOE METAL TEKNIKA - IMPORTIR & SUPPLIER STAINLESS STEEL20151116093857Products Catalog: TANGKI AIR FIBERGLASS TYPE PANEL [Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<B>PT</B>. ANUGERAH
Coba browser baru dengan terjemahan otomatis.Unduh Google ChromeTutup
Fiberglass water tank can hold enough water capacity to be used in hotels, apartments, mess, villages..../ptagm/5989552/tangki-air-fiberglass-type-panel.htmPT ANUGERAH GAGAH MANDIRI20151105193253Products Catalog: Socket 1/ 2" Drive 6 and 12 PT Satin Finish / Mata Sock 1/ 2" Drive 6 dan 12 PT Satin Finish [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]Socket 1/ 2" Drive 6 and 12 <B>PT</B> Satin Finish come with several size:
22 mm
29mm..../wijayateknik/5945847/socket-1-2-drive-6-and-12-pt-satin-finish-mata-sock-1-2.htmWijaya Teknik20151009082441Products Catalog: LOADCELL S MERK MK CELLS CIPTA INDO TEKNIK 0812 522 77588 [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]Type : MK - <B>PT</B>
Merk : MK Cells
Capacity : 50 - 500 Kg - 1, 2, 5, 10t
Feature :
High Precision, reliability and super stability
Design of metal welded stainless steel
5 core high quality..../cipta_indoteknik/5317743/loadcell-s-merk-mk-cells-cipta-indo-teknik-0812-522-77588.htmCIPTA INDO TEKNIK20141022022720Products Catalog: Cooling Tower Installation Consultant [SURABAYA, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]Cooling Tower Installation Consultant. <B>PT</B>.Lungfa is a reliable consultant for any project related to any Plastic Industry/PTLUNGFAJAYAABADI/5917990/cooling-tower-installation-consultant.htmPT. LUNGFA JAYA ABADI20150921112040Products Catalog: SPEED BOAT 15 PENUMPANG [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="SPEED BOAT 15 PENUMPANG" id=""></a>SpecificationShip Dimensions ( Main Dimention)
Length Over All ( LOA) : 10.3 M
Moulded Breadth ( B) : 3.2 M
De<B>pt</B>h Moulded ( H) : 1.2 M
Draft ( T) : 0.55 M
Exterior equipment
- Window to..../fiberboat_indonesia/4861097/speed-boat-15-penumpang.htmPT. FIBERBOAT INDONESIA20140321173404Products Catalog: MASTERPREEN 2003 MEMBRANE EX. BASF [SURABAYA, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="MASTERPREEN 2003 MEMBRANE EX. BASF" id=""></a>MASTERPREN 2003 is a composite waterproofing membrane consisting of a thermoplastic, modified bituminous compound, reinforced in the middle with apolyester based, non-woven fabric for o<B>pt</B>imum..../anugerahwaterproof/5895496/masterpreen-2003-membrane-ex-basf.htmPT. ANUGERAH MANDIRI WATERPROOF ( AMAN WATERPROOF)20150907090617Products Catalog: Sewa Kapal Tongkang / Rent Tugboat & Barges Vessel [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]We provide chartering vessel service for any type of vessels such as Cargo vessel, LCT, Tugboat & Barge, Offshore vessel, oil barge and oil tanker. We provide marine transportation using our own..../cheetahtrans/4956430/sewa-kapal-tongkang-rent-tugboat-barges-vessel.htmPT. Cheetahtrans Indonesia20140520123906Sell: Domestic Freight - Angkutan Domestik [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Domestic Freight - Angkutan Domestik" id=""></a><B>PT</B> Antar Lintas Samudera ( ALS) provides domestic transportation and distribution of cargo to all cities in Indonesia by sea, air and land with competitive prices, fast and reliable.
<B>PT</B> Antar..../AntarLintasSamudera/4842457/domestic-freight-angkutan-domestik.htmPT ANTAR LINTAS SAMUDERA20140311194737Products Catalog: Steel Wire Rope [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Steel Wire Rope" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. Cisarut Suprautama sell various kinds of wire rope, construction 6 x 7 FC, 6 x 12 FC, 6 x 24 FC, 6 x 36 IWRC, 6 x 37 IWRC, 7 x 19, 19 x 7 IWRC for Crane, Lifts, Tower Crane, logging etc./cisarut/2013804/steel-wire-rope.htmPT. Cisarut Suprautama20100706073847Products Catalog: Bata Ringan AAC Grant Elephant [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Bata Ringan AAC Grant Elephant" id=""></a>Bricks Lightweight Grand Elephant is a mild type .... square meters.
� � 3. Dimensions 60cm x 20cm x de<B>pt</B>h 12, 5 cm, 1 cubic contents of 66, 67 pcs into a wall area of 8 square meters.
� � ..../TIGA-MITRA-SURABAYA/3857939/bata-ringan-aac-grant-elephant.htm031-51160405, 081231313222, 085100398222, 087852574333, 087852574222, 085331398222, 087853640111....20121121114344Sell: jasa pengiriman mobil surabaya | 0823.3127.3284 [SURABAYA, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<B>PT</B>. AURA ABADI CARGO
Jl. Tanjungsari no. 49a, front Holcim cement Surabaya.
serve car shipping services from Surabaya to Jakarta and from Surabaya between islands in Indonesia.
immediately phone...../AURA_ABADI_CARGO/5703417/jasa-pengiriman-mobil-surabaya-0823-3127-3284.htmAURA ABADI CARGO, PT.20150504022523