Registration Date: Feb. 17, 2010 Last Updated: Feb. 5, 2012
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Business Services category
Company Brief
Jaya Raya Printing is a manufacturing industry banners. Materials and banners we have fabric Poly, TC, and spunbond. Results our banners did not fade and the color does not quickly fade as the finishing process using a curing / heating machine, unlike the conventional way that only dry by the wind. Jaya Raya Printing is able to meet your company' s promotional needs, especially in the manufacture of banner because we are supported by three workshops which were able to achieve capacity of 15, 000 feet - 20, 000 feet / day. Our service is not only user directly but we also serve advertising or reseller of the city, outside the city, and outside the island. Production of printing and screen printing we do not need to be in doubt because we are supported by good printing machines and personnel who are experts in their field, service quality and timeliness of accountability that can be justified. Jaya Raya Printing has a good delivery service, supported cooperation with shipping services, port to port, and also supported its own delivery fleet. Prove it and entrust you to our promotions.
We also manufacture:
* Bag spunbond
* Umbrella promotion
* Mug promotion
* Rubber Keychains
* Mouse Pad
* Ballpoint promotion
* T-shirt company or election
* plastic hand Fan etc.
Hub: Jaya Raya Printing.
031-60535455 / 72324787
Fax: 031-3818620
Email: jayarayaprinting@
Major Products / Services
Seller :
- spanduk, umbul-umbul, payung, tas promosi
Jaya Raya Printing adalah industri pembuatan spanduk, umbul-umbul, dan bendera dengan bahan kain poly, TC, Saten maupun spunbond. Jaya Raya Printing di dukung dengan 3 workshop yang mampu memproduksi 20.000 meter/ hari. Workshop printing dan sablon kami memiliki perlengkapan yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan promosi anda, layanan kami tidak hanya user secara langsung tapi juga melayani pengerjaan dari Advertising. Produksi printing dan sablon kami mampu memberikan kualitas hasil yang sangat bagus, kualitas layanan dan ketepatan waktu yang bisa di pertanggungjawabkan. Jaya Raya Printing telah di dukung layanan pengiriman baik kerjasama dengan jasa pengiriman, port to port dan juga dukungan armada pengiriman sendiri. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.
Jaya Raya Printing
- Tas Spunbond, Tas Promosi, Tas Hadiah, Tas Mika, Tas Sekolah, Tas Laptop, Tas Ransel
Jaya Raya Promotion adalah industri pembuatan berbagai macam tas khususnya tas promosi seperti tas spunbond, tas mika, tas hadiah, tas ulang tahun, tas ransel, tas sekolah, tas seminar, dan tas laptop. Kualitas tas kami tidak perlu di ragukan lagi karena sudah di dukung dengan tenaga-tenaga yang ahli di bidangnya. Harga kami sangat bersaing dan pengerjaan yang tepat waktu. Percayakan kebutuhan promosi perusahaan anda kepada kami.
Jaya Raya Promotion