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Name:Mr. Arick Citra Krismawan [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Y!: arick_art 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Arick Citra Krismawan at Sidoarjo
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Arick Citra Krismawan at Sidoarjo
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Arick Citra Krismawan at Sidoarjo
Address:Perum Graha Juanda i-26 JL.Ir Juanda, Damarsi, Buduran, Sidoarjo Sidoarjo 61252, Jawa Timur
Sidoarjo 61252, Jawa Timur
Percayakan pekerjaan Aluminium Composite Panel, kusen dan kaca ke kami yang telah terbukti mengutamakan kwalitas dan ketepatan waktu dalam pengerjaanya. Dapatkan harga yang kompetitif hanya di kami CV.Kreasi Indah Abadi, Architectural Aluminium Specialis
Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jan. 16, 2012
Business Nature:Service of Construction & Real Estate category

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Company Brief

We are a company contractor, fabricator & applicators that focus handling aluminum frame work, glass & aluminum composite panel ( Architectural Aluminium Specialist) , which has been experienced since 2006. Projects that we are doing already spread across several regions in Indonesia such as Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi part, Bali, NTB & NTT, and will certainly continue to expand to all regions in Indonesia.


Marketing Manager
Arick Citra Krismawan, ST
Nomer HP : 085736081010 / 087859024757
Nomer Telpon : ( 031) 72131357
Nomer Faks : ( 031) 58207130
Address : Perum Graha Juanda i-26, Jl. Ir. Juanda, Damarsi, Buduran, Sidoarjo
Supported by experts who already have the techniques and experience in handling various projects of small scale, medium or large, we believe can provide the best service, which will help provide advice & guidance in every process, so that dream or idea can be realized as expected . Its goal is the competitive price and reasonable, efficient in cost and time without leaving the aesthetic aspect.

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